Other places

As mentioned before, I do love Cornwall, however the world is full of beautiful places and I have been lucky to spend time in a handful of them. When I visit places, I just want to sit down and capture the scene with a quick sketch.

The image above is a section of a painting of a deserted island in the Caribbean – which I haven’t visited! My cousin asked me to paint it for her. She was sailing in the Caribbean and they discovered this beautiful island. On this occasion I definitely felt inspired to paint it. It looks idyllic and I would love to swim from that beach. Actually whilst the painting above was successful it wasn’t plain sailing (no pun intended!) Read my blog post about the difficulties I encountered.

Here are some of my paintings from Europe including, Spain, Austria, Venice and Switzerland. Simply click on the image to see it larger.

Have a look at my blog pages to read more about my visits to various places in Europe.