I do love watercolour painting, my website is testament to that, however I have been experimenting lately with Acrylic.
The downside of watercolour is that you have to “protect” the painting, if water or damp gets on the image it can be ruined (or at least altered drastically). That is why it needs to be behind a protective layer of glass, or something similar. This does “push” the price up and I have been trying to think of how to produce a range of affordable pieces of art, have a look to see my acrylic mini easels that are available to buy.
Now I do have my cards, some of which are under £5, they are all originals, but I have seen mini paintings that are little canvases sat on an easel. So I decided to have a play and see what I could produce.
Acrylic paint can be used either like oil paint or like watercolour, but once it is dry it is fixed!

I “Tested” it on my daughter, she likes my paintings but as she lives in a rented property is not allowed to put nails in the walls, this way she doesn’t have to!

Spurred on I painted another – still Godrevy (I do love that place!). I may paint more …have a look at