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Sketches during 2024

Illustration: St Michaels Mount Castle

I have drastically reduced the amount of sketches that I have done during 2024. Although I always take out my little sketch book kit, not the full kit that I take when painting on holiday!

The main reason for the lack of sketches is a loss of confidence or lack of enjoyment. I have found it very hard to adjust to a new looser style since I had my macular hole diagnosed. This results in loosing my middle vision, which is the part of your vision that allows you to see details. You can read more about it in my blog from January 2023 all about my eye surgery.

However I did get my paints out on three different occasions. Here are my efforts.

Seascape – looser style

On this occasion I decided to really test out painting in a looser, more abstract way.

We parked the car at The National Trust Car Park at Gunwalloe and followed the coast path to Pedngwinian Point. Arriving at Fishing Cove / Gunwalloe Beach we just sat and enjoyed the peace and quiet on this lovely beach. We walked continued our walk for a short time, returning via the coast path to revisit the beach. I decided to get my paints out and experiment with capturing the scene.

Click on the image to see it larger.

I am not sure how successful it was. Sadly I didn’t have my wax candle, which I usually like to use for shallow water. It captures the reflection of the clear water on the sand. Luckily I had my masking fluid, although I was a bit heavy handed using it! Anyway I did enjoy painting it, but perhaps it is too abstract – we shall see.

St Michael’s Mount

We haven’t had the best summer but luckily I did manage to visit Marazion on a sunny Tuesday. We were having a coffee in The Goldolphin overlooking St Michael’s Mount enjoying the view. I decided I needed to get my paints out.

The tide was just going out and people were walking over to The Mount. I was with my Aunt and Husband and they felt I needed to include Chapel Rock to give it context. Still fairly loose but I included more detail than the seascape above. I just had to be aware to get the depth of field right by reducing the vividness of The Mount. I have included a photograph of our view. However you can see my Aunt in her stripey top, reflected in the glass balastrade!

Poldhu Cove

Another rare sunny day, with the water fairly calm and beautifully clear. I had been in the sea to enjoy a swim and sat enjoying a coffee at Poldhu Cafe. The decision I always need to make when sketching Poldhu is how much to include! Especially as it has towering cliffs either side.

I decided to focus on the cliffs on the right hand side, and included the lifeguard flag and stick people in the water for context. Out of the three sketches I like this one the best. I think it will definitely make a nice card to sell.

If you are interested in buying any of these paintings they may be for sale the Watercolour Card section of my Shop. However being originals and, once they are gone, they are gone!