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Cat watercolour portrait

Close up of a cat watercolour portrait

I recently completed my first cat watercolour portrait of a beautiful cat called Izzy. Izzy was a very gentle, quiet cat who could be easily intimidated by the other cats that lived nearby. I wanted to paint a portrait that would capture that gentle spirit that she had as a permanent reminder now that she has gone to the big rainbow in the sky.

Whilst I have had some success in painting portraits of Dogs – or so their owners tell me! I hadn’t had that much success with cats, which is probably related to their longer fur.

First I had to choose which photograph to paint from. Did I want Izzy sat curled up on the sofa or sitting upright. Although to be honest neither were ideal I did decide on her sat up.

I purposely choose a small piece of paper so that it could fit into a frame that could either be on a surface or hang on a wall. It also didn’t help that I didn’t have all of Izzy in the photograph!

Cat watercolour portrait of Izzy

Here is the final outcome, which I am delighted to say the owner was delighted with. She was even happier to see her furniture and curtains represented in the background.

Mission over – my first cat watercolour portrait successfully completed. I hope you like it.