Since my return from holiday in Croatia, Cornwall has been absolutely glorious! So I have been out and about swimming and here are a selection of my sketches in June.
Sketch of Godrevy beach
To set the scene … it was a sunny Sunday morning and we were down on Godrevy beach just after 9am. In fact so early the fields hadn’t been opened but we managed to get parked close to the beach.
My swim was absolutely glorious, sheer bliss. Afterwards I sat on the beach, drinking a coffee, appreciating the peace and quiet. Out came my paints and here is my sketch.
Sketch of St Michaels Mount
Another swim location – this time at Long Rock, looking towards St MIchaels Mount. Whilst it was sunny, there was a stiff breeze and cross-shore winds, that gave some great waves to capture. Luckily I found a sheltered spot to capture the scene.
Another sketch of Godrevy beach
Back to Godrevy beach – I am definitely visiting my favourite spots in this lovely weather!
This time the tide was not out as far, but still quite flat and perfect swimming conditions.
These sketches for sale as either a painting or greeting card, on this website or on my Etsy shop. I am frequently adding new products so keep an eye out, as most of my work as originals, once a particular painting as gone, it’s gone.