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Falmouth sketches

skletches of Falmouth

My latest blog features Falmouth sketches, painted a few weekends ago we had glorious weather in Cornwall and I was lucky enough to get out and not only enjoy the sunshin

We were at Castle Beach at Falmouth – the sun was sparkling on the sea, the tide was high, people we re out sailing,  children were laughing and playing on the beach – a beautiful summers day. To make it complete I got my sketching equipment out and did three little sketches.

View from Castle beach crop

This was my first, looking across Castle Beach towards Swanpool and the opening of the Helford River which was busy with lots of boats out on the water.

Pendennis Point

This sketch is looking towards Pendennis Point, you can just about see the Castle hidden amongst the on the water

On this little sketch, I tried to capture the magic of the boats on the sparkling sea, but not sure how well it worked (I was working from quite a distance)!

Today I moved away from my usual cool palette and used a lot of Cobalt Blue, as shown in the sketch below, because the sky and sea were such a rich colour.

gyllyngvase sketch

This sketch was from painted whilst sat on Gyllyngvase beach, it was on a cartridge paper sketch book, hence the lack of texture and simple lines, as the paint doesn’t blend as well.

I hope you enjoying looking at my sketches of Falmouth, as much as I enjoyed my lovely day at the beach.